Human skeletal remains from tomb 1, Sipan (Lambayeque river valley, Peru); and their social implications
Verano, John
Human skeletal remains from tomb 1, Sipan (Lambayeque river valley, Peru); and their social implications Human skeletal remains from tomb 1, Sipan (Lambayeque river valley, Peru)
bibliogr. p. 682
Epoque précolombienne
Anthropologie physique
Matériel osseux
Etude de site--Sipán
Culture Moche
Intermediaire ancien
Pérou Lambayeque
Human skeletal remains from tomb 1, Sipan (Lambayeque river valley, Peru); and their social implications Human skeletal remains from tomb 1, Sipan (Lambayeque river valley, Peru)
bibliogr. p. 682
Epoque précolombienne
Anthropologie physique
Matériel osseux
Etude de site--Sipán
Culture Moche
Intermediaire ancien
Pérou Lambayeque