TY - GEN AU - Hocquenghem,Anne Marie AU - Ortlieb,Luc ED - International symposium on former ENSO phenomena in western South America: records of El Niño events TI - Historical record of El Niño events in Peru (XVI-XVIIIth) centuries): the Quinn et al (1987) chronology revisited KW - Courant marin KW - El Niño KW - Chronologie KW - Climat KW - Pluie KW - Siècle 16 KW - Siècle 17 KW - Siècle 18 KW - Pérou N1 - Autor francés; bibliogr. p. 148-149 UR - http://www.ifeanet.org/biblioteca/amh/AMH-NIN2.pdf ER -