Biblioteca IFEA
Biblioteca IFEA

Your search returned 5 results.

Early evolution of the Bering Sea by collision of oceanic rises and North Pacific subduction zones by
Material type: Article Article; Format: print
Language: Eng In: Geological Society of America bulletin 92(7), part I, 1981, p. 485-495: : ill., carte, graph., rés.(Angl)
Availability: No items available.

Timing of late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic events along the western marginn of the North American plate by
Material type: Article Article; Format: print
Language: Eng In: Geological Society of America bulletin 93(10), 1982, p. 977-989: : ill., carte, rés.(Angl)
Availability: No items available.

Links between global phenomena, variations in the environment and the major crises of the biosphere by
Material type: Article Article; Format: print
Language: Fre
Other title:
  • Liaisons entre les phénomènes globaux, les changements de milieu et les grandes crises du monde vivant
In: Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-production Elf Aquitaine 10(2), 1986, p. 285-311: : ill., carte, graph., rés.(Angl., Fr)
Availability: No items available.

Scalar organization of major sedimentary events around the tethys during the Jurassic and the cretaceous : Conséquences for biological associations by
Material type: Article Article; Format: print
Language: Fre
Other title:
  • Organisation scalaire des événements sédimentaires majeurs autour de la mésogée durant le Juraassique et le Crétacé. Conséquences pour les associations biologiques
In: Bulletin des centres de recherches exploration-production Elf Aquitaine 10(2), 1986, p. 509-535: : ill., carte, tab., rés. (angl., fr)
Availability: No items available.
